What is this project about?
You are invited to take part in a collaborative project between Liverpool John Moore's University and Johnnie Johnson housing/Astraline assessing fall risk in real world home environments. We are looking to assess the movements and behaviours of individuals during home daily living through small worn sensors and glasses.
From this project we aim to identify features in the home environment associated with falls risk, assess the effect of optimal home modifications and develop computer-designs that can assist with future house development designs. This project has been funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust.
Why is this project important:
Falls are a leading cause of injury and death and often occur in home based settings
Such falls are more common in older adults than young as age related changes make it harder to deal with fall hazards
Examples include tripping on raised surfaces as common eye conditions such as cataracts can make it harder to see such hazards
Healthcare costs associated with falls like this are estimated at approximately £2.3 million each year in the UK
Can you help us?
We are looking for volunteers to wear sensor technology which measures how you are moving during daily activities in and around the home environment. We will also equip some volunteers with glasses which measure where you are looking whilst moving around the home environment. See examples of this equipment below in action. Please have a check through our Project Details page to ensure that you are happy to participate and are aware of the participation criteria.
Benefits of this project
This project is the first of its kind to use data from real world investigations to inform future home developments that are more fall risk friendly. The benefits of this project include the following:
The data will directly indicate how to make individual homes safer for future developments
The project will provide new methods for architects/designers to enhance design practice, helping to make new homes safer more widely, and with long-term costs reduced because of fewer changes needed in the future.

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Team of investigators
Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Timmion Skervin
Principle Investigator:
Dr Timmion Skervin is a post-doctoral research fellow at Liverpool John Moores University with significant experience conducting older adult stair fall related research. Dr Skervin completed a PhD at Liverpool John Moores University and has lead authored multiple publications examining the effect of visual cues in reducing stair fall risk.
Dr Neil Thomas
Pupil Labs Research Consultant:
Dr Neil Thomas has published numerous research studies around discerning the sensorimotor transformations that sub-serve locomotion, with an emphasis on ageing and disease. Dr Thomas' research has included assessments of home features such as lighting and decor and their effect on stair fall risk in homes. Dr Thomas is currently the lead research consultant for pupil labs (industry leading provider of eye tracking technology).
Prof. Mark Hollands
Assistant Head of Research Institute:
Prof. Mark Hollands is an expert in movement neuroscience and deputy head of research at Liverpool John Moores University. Prof Mark Hollands has an extensive list of publications (over 2800 citations) and significant experience with experimentation involving older adult falls, gaze behaviour and motor control.
Dr Richard Foster
Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics
Dr Richard Fosters research investigates the compensatory mechanisms required from a biomechanical and sensory perspective to avoid tripping and falling, during activities of daily living such as over ground gait, targeted stepping, obstacle crossing and stair negotiation. Dr Foster is an expert in the effect of visual modifications on fall risk.

Contact us
Fill in your details to take part or for further information and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively email or phone the principle investigator using the details below:
Principle Investigator: Dr Timmion Skervin
Email: T.K.Skervin@ljmu.ac.uk
Mob: 07527432300