What will happen to me if i take part?
We will use two types of measurement sessions to collect the data we need:
Session 1
A member of the research team will visit your home and provide you with a small (3cm x 2 cm x 1cm) light-weight (11g) activity monitor (see photo below) and small GPS tracker (apple air tag) that you will be asked to wear in a comfortable waistband for a period of 1 week. You can take the device(s) off during sleep and when bathing or as required. The devices will stay powered on and require no operation from you. The devices contain sensors that record your movement characteristics and location as you go about your daily routine. The researcher will ask you a series of questions relating to falls risk and may ask you to perform a standing balance test. The visit will only last about 30 minutes. The researcher will visit you again at the end of one week to collect the equipment and ask you some questions about how you used the device, time spent outside the scheme and whether you encountered any problems. You will also receive two phone calls during the data collection week to check that everything is OK and to hear of any issues you may be experiencing. Additionally we will place multiple motion detectors in numerous locations around your home. These motion detectors use passive infrared meaning you will not notice the sensors taking measurements.
Movement sensor

Location sensor
One Week Period
Sensor Technology
Motion detector

Session 2
You will be visited by a member of the research team in your home. You will be asked to wear a special pair of glasses that contain sensors that produce a video recording of where you are looking as you move around. Looking in the right places at the right time is important for walking safety and the information we get from the glasses will help us understand if there are distractions in the environment that compromise safety or if inadequate lighting is affecting your ability to see important features such as stair edges or trip hazards. The glasses are light-weight (less than 50g) and can be fitted with prescription lenses to match your own glasses if you usually wear them. The glasses plug into a smartphone that can be worn in a pocket or on an armband. You will also be asked to wear a lightweight wristband that measures your heart rate and skin characteristics to give an indication of stress/anxiety levels.
You will be asked to wear the glasses and wristband during a single 1.5-hour session while you carry out normal daily living routines and activities (e.g. walking through a communal area, preparing food, negotiating stairs etc.) The researcher will give you instructions on various activities to carry out but will not be following you or supervising for the whole session. At the end of the session you will be asked to return the equipment and you will be asked some questions about the activities you carried out to give you a further opportunity to ask any questions about the study or raise any issues.

Single 1.5 hr Session

Eye Tracking Glasses